Welcome to INAST
On behalf of the International Network for Applied Sciences and Technology (INAST) team, it is my privilege to welcome you to the (INAST) website. INAST is an independent, non-political, non governmental and non-profit making organization of distinguished scientists dedicated to advancing science around the world. We aim to help scientists and researchers to publish their findings in our scientific journals, and to promote and help to organize world wide conferences. We believe that science has no boundaries, regardless of the great distances between countries and continents. Thus INAST welcomes contributions from researchers from all concern irrespective to the race, color, religion, nationality. INAST journals exist to publish results of research in the following areas: Biology, Natural and Applied Sciences.
Best Regards
Dr. Mohamed Ragab Abdel Gawwad (Founder President)
Journal of Plant Biology Research
The JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY RESEARCH is a new, Open Access, online-only, peer-reviewed journal that considers scientific papers in all different subdisciplines of plant biology, such as plant physiology, plant molecular biology, plant cell biology, plant genetics, plant systematic, plant ecology, plant physiology, plant-microbe interactions, mycology and plant pathology.
The JOURNAL OF PLANT BIOLOGY RESEARCH publishes original articles derived from original research work, brief reports, and reviews. From a multidisciplinary perspective, our journal will provide a platform for publication, information and debate, encompassing all areas which fall within the scope of plant science.
Aim and Scope
Journal Plant Biology Research (JPBR) is an open access online journal that provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of Plant Biology. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. All articles published in JPBR will be peer-reviewed.

Contact Information
E-mail: info@inast.org
Tel: 0038766636663